Installation guideS

Complete and easy to follow Mod List installation video explaining everything you
need to make your game look amazing.

Run our Mod Lists with Apex Gaming PCs

After years of using their products personally we have teamed up with APEX to bring you 3 custom PC builds which are fully customisable to fit both your modding and gaming needs. Check out our recommended systems below for each mod list and check out the video to hear more about our partnership with APEX.

Customize Our Presets To Your Needs


  • AMD Ryzen 5 5500 6-Core 4.2 GHz

  • 16GB DDR4-3600

  • Intel Arc A750 (135% Faster Than GTX 1650)

  • AsRock A520M-HDV

  • 500GB NVMe SSD (Up to 3,500 MB/S)

  • 450W/500W 80+ Power Supply (EVGA, Corsair, Apex)

Ultimate Edition

  • AMD Ryzen 5 5600X 6-Core 4.6 GHz

  • 16GB DDR4-3600

  • NVidia GeForce RTX™ 4060

  • AsRock A520M-HDV

  • 512GB NVMe SSD (Up to 3,500 MB/S)

  • 750W 80+ Gold 750W 80+ Bronze Power Supply (EVGA, Corsair, Apex)

Legendary Edition

  • AMD Ryzen 7 5800X 8-Core 3.8 GHz

  • 16GB DDR4-3600

  • NVidia GeForce RTX™ 3070

  • B550 Motherboard

  • 1TB NVMe SSD (Up to 3,500 MB/S)

  • 750W 80+ Gold Power Supply (EVGA, Corsair, Apex)


ESO and Ultimate Immersion presenting the new Fallout New Vegas mod list. A compact, gameplay friendly mod list with a solid core and engine fixes is a perfect way for you to start modding this game!

You may notice that this mod list is smaller than usual. This is because Fallout New Vegas is an extremely fragile game when it comes to modding and limited by old engine structure. Even the smallest mods can cause huge problems if done incorrectly. For this reason, we have created a stable core mod list that you can add onto with huge quest mods like Fallout: The Frontier and other overhauls without facing any issues or conflicts.


If you need help with installation or you have mod suggestions for our future mod list updates, please join Ultimate Immersion's Discord below.

Patch Notes

This Mod List will be updated with new mods over time. This tab exists so you can easily see if there have been any additional mods added and where in the install order they should be installed. If you have solutions for bug fixes or suggestions for improvements, don’t hesitate to post feedback on our Discords.

● Added 000. EVE - Essential Visual Enhancements

● Removed 000. Wasteland Clothing Hires Retexture

(ENB) Rudy ENB

A popular graphical enhancement preset that works well with all quest expansion mods and environments.

Important Note: While ENB's do vastly improve the appearance of the game they will also cause performance issues. This is due to the age of Fallout New Vegas, your high end system will not make a difference. You will notice a performance drop during some more intensive quest mods, when this happens try disabling it using the F12 hotkey.

ENB Install: Video Guide Above.


Microsoft Visual C++

You will require this free update from the official Microsoft website to run the 4GB patcher. Just run it to install it.

Install: Video Guide Above.
Download: 'x86: vc_redist.x86.exe' found under ‘Visual Studio 2015, 2017 and 2019’ and run it.
Download: 'Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable Pacages for Visual Studio 2013' found under 'Visual Studio 2013', it will take you to another page where you can select the 'English' version to download. Then run it. Please restart your PC after this step.


DirectX Updates

You will require this free update from the official Microsoft website.

Install: Video Guide Above.
Download: Your language version and run it.


FNV 4GB Patcher

This mod is crucial to ensuring Fallout New Vegas runs using 4GB of memory instead of 2GB. If you don’t have this your game will lag and crash constantly as you install more texture mods.

Install: Video Guide Above.
Download: FNV 4GB Patch


NVSE (New Vegas Script Extender)

Many mods require the New Vegas script extender to function, its essential to any mod list.

Install: Install Video Guide Above.


(CORE) 000. New Vegas Tick Fix

Fixes the stutter/lag/fps drop that happens every few seconds.

Install: Install Video Guide Above.
Download: NVTF


(CORE) 001. UIO – User Interface Organizer

An NVSE-powered plugin that is designed to manage and maintain all UI/HUD extensions added to the game by various mods.

Install: Install Video Guide Above.
Download: UIO - User Interface Organizer


(CORE) 002. The Mod Configuration Menu

In in game mod configuration menu that lets you select options for different mods. Many other mods require it.

Install: Install Video Guide Above.
Download: The Mod Configuration Menu


(CORE) 003. NVAC – New Vegas Anti Crash

Bug Fixes to reduce frequency of game crashes.

Install: Install Video Guide Above.
Download: NVAC - New Vegas Anti Crash


(CORE) 004. lStewieAl's Tweaks

A fully customisable engine plugin providing a collection of optional bugfixes, tweaks and new features to the game at no performance cost.

Install: Install Video Guide Above.
Download: Stewie Tweaks


(CORE) 005. JIP LN NVSE Plugin

An extension of the New Vegas Script Extender (NVSE). It adds 900+ new functions. Additionally, this mod includes numerous engine bug fixes/tweaks, and restores several broken game features.

Install: Install Video Guide Above.
Download: JIP LN NVSE Plugin


(CORE) 006. Yukichigai Unofficial Patch – YUP

A compilation of vital bug fixes for Fallout: New Vegas and its DLC.

Download your language (English)

Install: Install Video Guide Above.
Download: YUP - Base Game and All DLC


(CORE) 007. New Vegas Heap Replacer

This library will replace the in-game heap with a faster more optimized version that will decrease load times and improve fps.

Install: See Install Video Guide. Conflict: Load after NVTF (tick fix) if it does conflict.
Download: NVHR - AVX2


(CORE) 008. FNV Mod Limit Fix

Fixes the Fallout New Vegas mod limit bug. It allowes a maximum of 255 plugins to be loaded and will also improve fps, loading and stutter.

Install: Install Video Guide Above.
Download: FNVModLimitFix


(CORE) 009. OneTweak

This mod is not essential but it will allow you to alt tab or play in windowed mode without the game crashing. Note that even though this mod is for Skyrim it still works with Fallout New Vegas.

Install: Install Video Guide Above.
Download: OneTweak


(CORE) 010. Unofficial Patch Plus

A collection of supplementary bug fixes to be used alongside YUP. Includes improved versions of popular NVSE bug fixes.

Install: Install video guide above. Please make sure you install this AFTER the mods above.
Download: Unofficial Patch Plus


(CORE) 011. Johnny’s Guitar NVSE

A script extension Required By lots of mods.

Install: Install video guide above.
Download: JohnnyGuitar NVSE


(CORE) 012. Vanilla UI Plus

Improves the vanilla UI making text more readable and lots more (see summery).

Install: This link will take you to a site called Mod DB, download the latest version of the mod (do not extract it). To install it simply drag the file into the ‘mods’ section in Vortex and then press enable. Be sure to start the game to check its working.
Download: Unofficial Patch Plus


(CORE) 013. Gameplay Overhaul (JAM – Just Assorted Mods)

Note: Adds a collection of amazing gameplay mods:
Just Dynamic Crosshair
Just Hit Marker
Just Hit Indicator
Just Visual Objectives
Just Hold Breath
Just Vanilla Sprint
Just Bullet Time
Just Weapon Hweel
Just Loot Menu.

Install: Using Vortex
Download: Just Mods Assorted


(CORE) 014. NMC texture pack (medium) 1 & 2

Note: Download both 1 and 2, don't use the large version since you will run into memory issues later.

Install: Conflict: If there is a conflict with the official patch make sure you load it after the patches mentioned above.
Download: NMCs Textures NV MEDIUM Pack Part 1 of 2 FOR NMM & NMCs Textures NV MEDIUM Pack Part 2 of 2 FOR NMM


(CORE) 015. EVE - Essential Visual Enhancements

New Crit Kill animation scenes, HD blood effects, HD fire effects, HD explosions, new bullet impacts, energy weapon projectiles & impacts, unrivaled textures, and more

Download: EVE


(CORE) 015. Wasteland Flora Overhaul

Covers the landscape in realistic, immersive trees and shrubs instead of just a baron wasteland.

Install: With Vortex
Download: Wasteland Flora and Terrain Overhaul


(CORE) 016. MGS Neat Clutter Retextures

Includes 200 retextured pieces of clutter. Note that you can install the other texture mods listed too.

Install: Conflicts: Load after the NMC texture pack and after the patches.
Download: MGs NCR Pack 7


(CORE) 017. Fallout Character Overhaul (Multiple)

Adds new character face textures

IMPORTANT NOTE: Currently both ‘Russell’ and ‘Some Guy Series’ are required to run this mod due to a bug where ‘Character Overhaul’ mod accidentally installing un-needed texture files.

Install: Conflict: install them all into Vortex. and make sure the updates ‘No NPC Edits Bug Fix’ is loaded AFTER the Fallout Character Overhaul.
Download: Fallout Character Overhaul 3.0


(CORE) 017a. Russell Follower Mod (Required)

IMPORTANT NOTE: Currently both ‘Russell’ and ‘Some Guy Series’ are required to run this mod due to a bug where ‘Character Overhaul’ mod accidentally installing un-needed texture files.

Install: With Vortex
Download: Russell Version 1.17


(CORE) 017b. Some Guy Series

IMPORTANT NOTE: Currently both ‘Russell’ and ‘Some Guy Series’ are required to run this mod due to a bug where ‘Character Overhaul’ mod accidentally installing un-needed texture files.

Install: With Vortex
Download: Someguy Series 2 dot 0


CORE 017c. Pink Hands Fix

Fixes issue with pink hands appearing on ghoul race.

Install: With Vortex
Download: Fallout Character Overhaul - Races Fix


(CORE) 019. Armor: NCR Trooper Overhaul

Revamps the NCR troopers clothing and textures beyond wasteland clothing.

Install: Conflict: Load After Wasteland Clothing
Download: Main File Beta 7_2


(CORE) 019a.Armor:NCR Trooper Overhaul – Distributed

Ensures that all the NCR are wearing the new clothing.

Install: Conflict: Load after ‘Trooper Overhaul main file’
Download: Trooper Overhaul Main File


Revamps the Legion troops clothing and textures beyond wasteland clothing. I recommend the 2k version for optimisation.

Install: With Vortex. Conflicts: load after.
Download: PM's HD Legion Overhaul - 2K


Retextures the ranger outfits. I recommend the 2k version for optimisation

Install: With Vortex. Conflicts: load after.
Download: PM's HD Ranger Outfits - 2K


(CORE) 022. Armor & Animal Textures (Multiple Files)

Download: Both ‘BOA NV The Book of flesh’ and ‘2011 Book of Steel’. These include creature retextures and the brotherhood Armor retextures.

Install: With Vortex. Conflict: See Below
Download: BOA NV The Book Of Flesh


(CORE) 022a. Modded Armor Compatibility

For the ‘Book of steel’ mod to function you will require this mod to stop it conflicting with others.

Install: With Vortex. Conflicts: load after.
Download: Book of Steel


(CORE) 023. Weapon Mesh Improvement

Required for the improved weapon textures to be applied.

Install: With Vortex. Conflicts: load after.
Download: Weapon Mesh Improvement Mod.


(CORE) 024. IHWT

Improved Heavy Weapons Textures

Install: With Vortex. Conflicts: load after.
Download: Improved Heavy Weapons Textures 1.5


(CORE) 025. Weapon Retexture Project - WRP

Weapon Retexture Project

Install: With Vortex. Conflicts: load after.
Download: Weapon Retexture Project - WRP


(CORE) 026. Med Textures

Retexture Meds

Install: With Vortex. Conflicts: load after.
Download: PM's Med-Textures v1.0


(CORE) 027. PM's HD Ammo Boxes

Retextures Ammo

Install: With Vortex. Conflicts: load after.
Download: PM's HD Ammo Boxes - 2K Diffuse 1K Normals



Improves the appearance of ballistic weaponry effects.

Install: With Vortex.
Download: The correct file for your PC specs. I suggest ‘gaming rig’.


(CORE) 028a. IMPACT - Compatibility Edition

A required patch to make the mod compatible with others. Install both at once.

Install: With Vortex. Conflict: Make the compatibility mod load after.
Download: IMPACT


(CORE) 029. Hectrol Lock Interface Deluxe Retex

Better lock picking screen retexture.

Download: Hectorol lockinterface deluxe ... 1024 is better for performance.


(GAMEPLAY) 030. MoreMojave

Adds over 70 new locations to the base game worldspace (some within the DLC) this makes exploring much more exciting!

Download: MoreMojave


(GAMEPLAY) 030a. MoreMojave Wasteland Flora and Terrain Overhaul Patch

You need this patch since we are also using the Wasteland Flora and terrain overhaul.

Install: Conflict: Load after the Wasteland Flora and Terrain Overhaul (WFTO) and after MoreMojave.
Download: MoreMojave Wasteland Flora and Terrain Overhaul Patch
